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建筑材料耐燃测试 – 主要标准列表

发布时间:2022-06-14 11:06:51浏览量:1696次



ü EN 81-8: Safety rules for the construction and installation of lifts - Part 8: Lift landing doors – Fire resistance testing.

ü EN 81-8, 电梯安装和建筑的安全条款-第8部分:电梯门-耐燃测试


ü EN 1363-1: Fire resistance tests - Part 1: General requirements.

ü EN 1363-1: 耐燃测试-第1部分: 一般要求


ü EN 1363-2: Fire resistance tests - Part 2: Alternative and additional procedures.

ü EN 1363-2: 耐燃测试 – 第2部分:替换和增加的程序


ü EN 1364-1: Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements - Part 1: Walls.

ü EN 1364-1: 非承重件耐燃测试 - 第1部分:墙体


ü EN 1364-2: Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements - Part 2: Ceilings.

ü EN 1364-2: 非承重件耐燃测试 - 第2部分:吊顶


ü EN 1364-3: Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements - Part 3: Curtain walling, full configuration.

ü EN 1364-3: 非承重件耐燃测试 - 第3部分:幕墙,整体结构


ü EN 1364-4: Fire resistance tests for non-loadbearing elements - Part 4: Curtain walling, part configuration.

ü EN 1364-4: 非承重件耐燃测试 - 第4部分:幕墙,部分结构


ü EN 1365-1: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 1: Walls.

ü EN 1365-1: 承重件耐燃测试 - 第1部分:墙体


ü EN 1365-2: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 2: Floors and roofs.

ü EN 1365-2: 承重件耐燃测试 - 第2部分:地板和屋顶


ü EN 1365-3: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 3: Beams.

ü EN 1365-3: 承重件耐燃测试 - 第3部分:横梁



ü EN 1365-4: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 4: Columns.

ü EN 1365-4: 承重件耐燃测试 - 第4部分:柱子


ü EN 1365-5: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 5: Balconies and walkways.

ü EN 1365-5: 承重件耐燃测试 - 第5部分:阳台和过道


ü EN 1365-6: Fire resistance tests for loadbearing elements - Part 6: Stairs.

ü EN 1365-6: 承重件耐燃测试 - 第6部分:楼梯


ü EN 1366-3: Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 3: Penetration seals.

ü EN 1366-3: 服务设施耐燃测试 - 第3部分:穿透性密封件



ü EN 1366-4: Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 4: Linear joint seals.

ü EN 1366-4: 服务设施耐燃测试 - 第4部分:线性密封件



ü EN 1366-5: Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 5: Service ducts and shafts.

ü EN 1366-5: 服务设施耐燃测试 - 第5部分:服务管道和竖井



ü EN 1366-6: Fire resistance tests for service installations - Part 6: Raised access floors and hollow floors.

ü EN 1366-6: 服务设施耐燃测试 - 第6部分:高架地板和中空地板


ü EN 1634-1: Fire resistance tests for door and shutter assemblies - Part 1: Fire doors and shutters.

ü EN 1634-1: 防火门窗耐燃测试 – 第1部分:防火门和百叶窗


ü EN 1634-3: Fire resistance tests for door and shutter assemblies - Part 3: Smoke control doors and shutters.

ü EN 1634-3: 防火门窗耐燃测试 – 第3部分:烟雾控制门和百叶窗


ü AS/NZS 1530.4:建筑材料、元件和构件的防火测试-第4部分:建筑物单元耐燃测试

ü AS/NZS 1530.4:Methods for fire tests on building materials, components and structures - Fire-resistance test of elements of construction


ü BS 476-20:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第20部分:建筑构件耐火的测试方法(一般原理)

ü BS 476-20:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 20: Method for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Elements of Construction (General Principles)


ü BS 476-21:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第21部分:承重构件耐火的测试方法

ü BS 476-21:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 21: Methods for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Load bearing Elements of Construction



ü BS 476-22:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第22部分:非承重构件耐火的测试方法-

ü BS 476-22:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 22: Methods for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Non- Load bearing Elements of Construction



ü BS 476-23:建材及构件的防火测试.第23部分:元部件对构件耐火性分摊作用的测试方法

ü BS 476-23:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 23: Methods for Determination of the Contribution of Components to the Fire Resistance of a Structure



ü BS 476-24:建筑材料和构件的防火测试.第24部分:通风管道耐火性的测试方法

ü BS 476-24:Fire Tests on Building Materials and Structures Part 24: Method for Determination of the Fire Resistance of Ventilation Ducts